Sunday, January 20, 2008

Secret of Human characters - pre-set & programmed from first to the last breath SUN SIGNS ( Known as ZODIAC SIGNS)

1.Aries- 1st Fire sign - 21st March to 20th April- Ruled by Mars.
2.Taurus- 1st Earth sign- 21st April to 21st May - Ruled by Venus.
3.Gemini- 1st Air Sign - 22nd May to 21st June - Ruled by Mercury.
4.Cancer 1st Water sign- 22nd June to 22nd July - Ruled by Moon.
5 Leo 2nd Fire Sign - 23rd July to 23rd August- Ruled by Sun.
6.Virgo 2nd Earth Sign- 24th August to 23rd September- Ruled by Vulcan.
7.Libra 2nd Air Sign - 24th September to 23rd October- Ruled by Venus.
8.Scorpio 2nd Water Sign- 24th October to 22nd November- Ruled by Pluto.
9.Sagitarius 3rd Fire sign - 23rd November to 21st December- Ruled byJupiter.
10.Capricon 3rd Earth Sign- 22nd December to 20th January – Ruled by Saturn.
11. Aquarius 3rd Air Sign- 21st January to 19th February- Ruled by Uranus.
12. Pisces 3rd Water sign- 20th February to 20th March – Ruled by Neptune.

Fire and fire, air and air, water and water, earth and earth will vibes very well.
Fire and Air signs also vibes well as fire need air to function.
Earth and water will vibes well as water ultimately help the fertility of earth.
Aries- Libra; Leo –Aquarian ; Sagittarian-Gemini… the best fire and air combinations.
Taurus-Scorpion ; Virgo- Pisces; Capricorn-Cancer, the best earth, water combinations.

1.Character of Fire sign.( Aries, Leo, & Sagittarius.)
Qualities of fire like: Instantaneous, impulsive, impatient, erratic, fast, disastrous, un-predictable will go in all directions, helpful, fighters, quarrelsome, bold, courageous, care free, careless, very frank, no reservations & calculations, non-diplomatic,
….destructive as they make scars easily being ignited by others, will not repent.
Goes well with Air as fire can not function without air.
Looks: Tall, Medium structure, fiery & inquisitive, bold & courageous.
2.Character of Earth sign: ( Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn)
Qualities of earth such as: Very strong, rigid, stable, dependable, predictable, will power,
resourceful, committed , very practical, perfectionist, hard workers, methodical, workaholic, careful, calculative, critical, aspirers, sincere, serious, independent, reserved, …..can achieve independently without much support, won challenges with more efforts.
Lives for principle, ethic & morale. Difficult to dislodge and destroy easily.
Goes well with water, as earth yields with the penetration of water.
Looks: Strong, medium built, confident, reserved, snobbish & shrewd.
3.Character of Air sign: ( Gemini, Libra & Aquarius )
Air Qualities such as: Very light, flexible, easy going, carefree, directionless, elusive, secretive, unpredictable, accommodative, fast, relaxed, in-direct., non-committed, independent as they go anywhere and every where.. very social and non controversial.
Looks: Very tall, thin, slender, very friendly, social, diplomatic, carefree & relaxed.
4.Character of Water sign: ( Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces.)
Like water very emotional, sensitive, very useful, cool, shapeless needs support & direction. Emotional attachments towards bloodline, ancestors, home, country, history, origin etc., appear and disappear like water.
Looks: Watery & shapeless body, fat and fleshy ,slow movers, emotional, over sensitive, moody, melancholy, sentimental, humane and home lovers.

Ram Murthi, Sun Sign Researcher
Father of Sharad Srineevas

1 comment:

Ramesh said...

Hey Sharad!! Jsut went through the article....Very thoughtful and informative.....