Saturday, September 12, 2009

An experience - Banglampoo – Backpacker’s street (Bangkok)

My dad was traveling from Chiang Mai to Bangkok by bus earlier this year in March 2009. A Japanese traveler who travelled with him in the bus mentioned about the place called Banglampoo in Bangkok where the rooms for stay (Actually guesthouses) are very cheap and easily available.

This time (August - September 2009) during our (Myself and dad) stay in Chiang Mai at (Little Home), the landlord told us about this place again. She told being a Localitie she prefers to stay in Banglampoo when she goes to Bangkok. We decided to stay in Bangkok for a day at Banglampoo. We cut short the stay in Pattaya by a day which was so pleasing and comfortable just to venture out this place. All my trips to Bangkok have been packaged well in Royal park view hotel in Sukumit Soi 18. I find this place close to being home, because being an Vegetarian; I get south Indian vegetarian food in Ganesha Restaurant down Soi 18. This time we decided to stay in the Swiss park hotel in Sukumit Soi 11 called as Nana. Since we had proponed and arrived a day early in Bangkok we wanted to venture a day in Banglampoo.

Took bus 501 and proceeded towards Banglampoo from Nana. Informed the conductor to tell us when we reach Khao San Road (Banglampoo). Reached the place we could see lot of Backpackers crossing the roads, immediately could guess we were close to the place. It was shocking to see a street full of Guest houses. Rooms starting from 200 bahts to 1500 Plus. It was indeed a very different experience for me as I have always seen the classy part of Bangkok, nevertheless I don’t mean that this place is low, but the truth is it’s not worth even dreaming of staying at this place if you are “Indian”. The standard reply you get from all the guest houses is the rooms are full SORRY. We have tried almost at all the guest houses in the street. We actually thought the rooms were full until a person from Burma told us this is the treatment we would get every where in Banglampoo if you were an Indian. I could see tears in my dad’s eyes. Come on he loves this country Thailand and more the people of this Gods Blessed country. He was so given up and told this is atrocious that Thai people were treating the tourists so bad, who are known for their hospitability and smiling faces. He became so irritated and wanted to come back to India the same day. I was shell shocked to see this (sorry to say) DIRTY side of Bangkok. I would rather stay in PATPONG which is the red light area in Bangkok than in Banglampoo.

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